Thanksgiving Greetings
 Thanksgiving Greetings

Dear Toca Families,

Thanksgiving is a time of gratitude and a great opportunity for us to share our genuine appreciation for our Club and community. Throughout these years, your ongoing support and loyalty, engagement and confidence in Toca have allowed us to bring our players and families the joy of soccer, physical activity, team continuity and, most important, lasting friendships.

We are thankful every day, every week and every month. Every soccer practice, every soccer game, every soccer season and every tournament that we can see our players and families enjoy together. We are grateful for our players, former and current, for our coaches, managers and parents.

Parents, despite the day-to-day challenges associated with the pandemic, you recognized the importance of what sports can do for our players well-being and supported them as they returned to play. Thank you!

Coaches and Managers, you are those silent helpers that we find every week contributing their precious time to the Club and teams. Especially our amazing coaches who donated their time during the quarantine to provide players virtual soccer training, and the many coaches and assistants who volunteer every week. As well as our other volunteers. Thank you!

Players AND families, you are the contributors that made possible the progress of the Toca Juniors Soccer Complex. We are sharing the list of over 45 generous families and donors that have contributed financially so our community and Club continue to grow. Without their support, it would have been impossible to even start this "wow project" that we envisioned for our players and families. Thank you once again.

We value our players, our families and their support. We know we have the most genuine, thoughtful and kind families in this area but, most importantly, a very thankful group of players that love Toca Juniors FC.

Red & Blue Toca True ($1500 and up)
Buss Family
Izurieta Family
Plastino Family
Noguera Family

Blue Angels ($1000 and up)
Smurthwaite Family
Masjuan Family
Allyn Family
Johnson-Montero Family
Neal Family
FlagShip Carwash Center

Red Loyal ($500 and up)
D'Angelo Family
Fattal Jaef Family
Parada Villar Family
Khakbaz Family
Dos Santos Family
Mariel Family
Defty Family
AlHinai Family
Alassar Family
Seminario Family
Stein Family
Reston Endoscopy Center
Gastroenterology Group

Rainbow Inclusive ($100 and up)
Huppmann-Bonangelino Family
Caicedo Family
Sarmiento-Bartoli Family
Goldschtein Family
Subiela Family
Dassen Family
Lopez Lamia Family
Olivera Sala Family
Pistache Pastries

Green Grassroots (up to $100)
Freeman Family
Rasouli Family
Roure Family
Cudine Family
Alzola Family
Olave Family
Cuervo Family

Please let us know if your contribution was not added to the acknowledgment list and we will correct it. If you would like to donate to the club you can do so HERE.

For more information about the Complex please visit the Toca website.
