Toca Juniors FC Club
Uniform ordering process

What is needed:

  • A Uniform Kit* - $150

*The Uniform Kit comes with a practice jersey (white or black), home (navy) and away (red) jersey with matching short (navy) and a pair of socks (Navy). Uniforms are specially ordered with the MSI logo as well as with Toca Juniors Football Club Patch.

Please place your order in a timely fashion (ASAP) to ensure the uniform arrives before the season starts. Due to the volume of orders, it can take up to 10 weeks for uniforms to arrive. On average, they take 4 weeks.

How to Order:

1- Payment*

*Once this step is complete families will receive an email to process the uniform delivery order.


Payment can be completed in two ways: PAYPAL or Check.

By Paypal (note additional paypal charge)

Player Full Name (Required):
Team (Required):


By Check - Payable to TOCA JUNIORS FC
2100 Lee Highway #137, Arlington, VA 22201
*(please include the name of your son/daughter & Team on the check)

Questions?!: Please do not hesitate to contact us if you would like more information at